Page 4 - May June 2010
P. 4

President’s Car...
John Spratley
 In this year we celebrate both the 75th anniversary of the NMRA, and the 65th anniversary of the British Region, and I’ve been looking back over the last 30 years since I’ve been a member! A great deal has changed since 1980, but the fellowship that is so much a part of region membership, is still as strong as ever!
Back in 1980, the region was much smaller (fewer than 200), and there were only two meets and the convention held as official events! There was very little in the way of local division/group events, but some informal local regular meetings were held by individual (such as Derek Frow’s 1st Wednesday of the month gatherings, at his home in Bath) which is where I was introduced to the NMRA.
The Winter Meet was usually hosted in London by Capitol Model Railroaders, at a venue fairly close to Bernie Victor’s emporium, and members travelled from far and wide to attend! (The chance to spend the Xmas gift money at Bernie’s helped.) The atmosphere was always friendly, and we could enjoy a couple of layouts, plenty of Bring and Buy tables, a good selection of refresh­ ments, and the pleasure of a chat with friends, old and new.
The Spring meet was nearly always held on the last Sunday before the start of the cricket season, at Dowty Engineering’s Sports and Social Club on the outskirts of Cheltenham (cour­ tesy of Ron Beatson who was club chairman, and a former region presi­ dent I believe). The format was similar to the Winter event, but no “Victor’s”.
British Region Spring Meet hosted by South Shore Sub. photos by Mike Hughes – more on page 25
We also held the Region’s Half Yearly Business Meeting, in the morning, when any matters arising from the AGM were discussed. It was also the time when formal bids to host the convention for the following year were heard, and voted for, by mem­ bers. Bids for hosting meets were also heard in the same manner. Again the meets were well attended!!
The Conventions in those days were the highlight of the Region’s calendar (and still are!), and we travelled to hotels all over the country from Arun­ del, Sussex to Fleetwood, Lancs, and Dawlish, Devon, to Oldham, greater Manchester, via Peterborough, and not forgetting Bournemouth too. These are just some of the ones I attended, and I enjoyed them all, as I do every convention.
The format was much the same as now, with layouts, traders, Bring and Buy, and Clinics too, on a wide variety of modelling subjects. The Contest judges were kept busy on Saturday morning, and the Banquet was the climax of the event, and the ladies always looked wonderful, in their finery. Us chaps always tried to look smart too, so everyone enjoyed them­ selves.
After dinner, the results of the contests were announced, and I can remember the friendly ribbing that the Dutch guys used to get whenever one of them won a cup, which they did quite frequently. Then it was off to the bar, and into the train room for some late night running sessions, and other things. (Does anyone recall “Diesel Drag Racing”?)
So I look back on all those things with great affection, but the thing I value above all else is the wonderful collec­ tion of friendships that I have been privileged to make, over the years, with a list of names which would fill half of Roundhouse. Some of them have sadly passed on, some are no longer members (but we still keep in touch), and many are still members (even after meeting me??), so to all of you out there, can I say a huge THANK YOU, for making my membership (and Presidency) of the British Region of the NMRA, the most rewarding experience of my 50 years of Model Railroading!
So to all of you members New and Long Standing, PLEASE, . . .
SHARE the Hobby, and you really will, DOUBLE the FUN!!!
Happy Railroading from The TOAD!!
        4 ROUNDHOUSE
 Above: Dave Dawes brought his Z scale California Coast Left: Mason’s Bridge Yard HO scale by C and M Chinnery

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