Page 19 - January February 2017
P. 19

 Minutes of the Annual General Meeting of the British Region, NMRA, held at The Best Western Plus Hotel Meriden Saturday, 29 October 2016 at 4.45pm
  Members Present: Robin Swan (President), David McLaughlin (Vice President), Antony Quinlan (Secretary), Peter Bowden (Membership Director), Chris James (Hon Treasurer), Mike Arnold, Vernor Bates, Sarah Bellis, Stephen Black, Nigel Bowyer, Martin Boyask, Des Brown, Pete Colton, Russ Cook, Mike Cox, Alan Crooks, Alan Cross, Rai Fenton, John Firth, Paul Flint, Geoff Ford, Christopher Greenway, Morgan Hughes-Owens, Geoff Latham, Peter Lloyd-Jones, Charles Hendy, Paul Harman, Les Herriot, Mike Hughes, Kathy Millatt, Mick Moignard, Bob Norris, Rex Nichamin, Michael Ingham, Alain Kap, David Minnion, Derek Murphy, Steve Park, Jim Phillips, Nick Prior, Paul Purnell, Colin Reed, Gordon Robinson, Alan Sewell, Ted Smale, Graham Thompson, Geoff Tiller, Rob Tinker, John Wales, John Walravens, Carol Webb, Keith Webb, Tom Watson, Tom Winlow. Apologies for Absence:
Lindsay Beare, David Brown, Michael Carr, John Hey, Mike Lenz, Mike Meadows, Rod Packer, Dick Smith, Terry Wynne.
The Minutes of the last meeting, published in Roundhouse and available on our web page were accepted as a true record. Proposed Tom Watson, Seconded Mick Moignard.
The President Mike Arnold, stated that he had little to add to that which he reported every two months in The President’s car. He also stated that he believed it had been a good year, and wished the new BoD every success.
The Hon. Treasurer Chris James stated that the accounts were not quite ready, and when they were his report will be published. The effect of the exchange rate change was discussed and it was agreed to increase subs by £1.00 a year. It was also agreed that a sum of money should be put aside each year towards the 2022 Convention. Alan Sewell accepted the task of Independent Examiner. Proposed by Chris James, seconded by Mick Moignard and passed by a show of hands.
Divisional, Sub-divisional and other reports will be published on the web site.
John Firth reported that the ballot that had been run to determine the support for an Electronic Roundhouse was so close to 50-50 that
   it was far too close to call. It will be reviewed again at a future date if circumstances (such as printing costs or postage) change significantly..
Kathy Millat gave a detailed progress report on the 2022 Convention. All details are included in her reports in Roundhouse.
The President gave out this year’s awards, details of which are attached as an Appendix.
The new members of the BoD took their places, they are,
President - Robin Swan, Vice President - David McLaughlin,
Treasurer - Chris James, Membership Director - Peter Bowen and Secretary Antony Quinlan.
Appointed officers:
Events Coordinator - A new events coordinator is required.
Registrar - The President announced that Michael Ingham wished to step down from his role after 12 years and thanked him for his services as Registrar and that a new Registrar will need to be appointed.
Ballot Chairman - Rai Fenton kindly agreed to continue in the role. Keith Webb proposed and Tom Watson seconded Rai Fenton to continue.
AP Chair - Steve Park was thanked for all of his hard work by the President as AP Chair. Keith Webb will now step into the role.
Mike Hughes (Marketing Officer) - had a dream and then shared his dream. The dream represented hopes for the future of the Region and how as individuals, we might all go about achieving it. The President on behalf of the Black Diamonds announced some events for 2017:
Open day at Mech Models on 13th/14th May
Region Convention at Derby on 27/28/29th October.
Date and Time of next AGM:
Saturday 28th October (timing to be confirmed)
NMRA British Region Convention - The Derby Conference Centre Limited, London Road, Alvaston, Derby, Derbyshire, DE24 8UX
  At the Annual General Meeting in Meriden the following membership awards, based on nominations received, were announced:
Certificate of Appreciation
Peter Lloyd-Jones for his services to his local Group, Western Union, and his technical support for the various FreeMo events
Mike Ruby for his services to his local Group, Western Union
Tina Frow for her support in hosting meets at Derek Frow’s
Martyn Read for his services to the FreeMo initiative (Christow etc) Neil Rogers for his services to the FreeMo initiative (Christow etc)
Mel Rogers for his services to the FreeMo initiative (Christow etc) Yvonne Rogers for her support to the FreeMo guys (refreshments at various events)
Geoff Tiller for his services to the FreeMo initiative (Merstham etc) Dan Spalding For his services to the FreeMo initiative (Merstham etc) Martha, Aidan and Eoin Spalding For support to the FreeMo guys (refreshments at two events)
Carol Webb for her services to Region on Non-Rail activities
Bill Goddard for his services in running Milepost 70 at Derby
Jim Dickinson for his services in running Milepost 70 at Derby and the Spring Meet
Steve Dennison for his services in running Milepost 70 at Derby and the Spring Meet
Steve Quick for his services in running Milepost 70 at Derby and the Spring Meet
   Nick Prior for his services in running the Summer Meet at Benson Robin Swan for his services in running the Summer Meet at Benson Michael Ingham for his services in running the Summer Meet at Benson
Phil Morris for his services in running the Summer Meet at Benson Patrick Grace for his services in organising behind the scenes at this year’s convention
Bob Norris for his services in leading the Gosport Model Railroad Group and being “out there”
Steve Scott for his services in providing support to Calder Northern, Red Dragons and The A5 Railroaders
Nick Whitmarsh-Everiss for his services in guiding and inspiring the South Shore Group
Bob Phelps for his services to North American Railroad Modelling Mick Moignard for his services as Contest Chair and clinician supporting the NMRA
Kathy MIllatt MMR for her services in driving the bid to host the 2022 National Convention
Golden Spike
Kathy Millatt MMR for her outstanding performance in heading up and driving the 2022 Convention bid team.
Hearty congratulations and thanks were given to all.
(There were no awards for Freedom of Region this year. )
  ROUNDHOUSE February 2017 19

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