READING RR Weekend Virtual Meet 18th- 20th September 2020.

For discussion of any events of interest to North American modellers - Exhibitions with lots of North American content, NMRA meets or anything else you think will be of interest. Please put the date as part of the title so the mods will know when to move it to past events.
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Joined: Sat Sep 14, 2013 5:47 pm

READING RR Weekend Virtual Meet 18th- 20th September 2020.

Post by prrk4uk »

READING RR Weekend Virtual Meet 18th- 20th September 2020.

For those who model/interested in the Reading Railroad there is a weekend long virtual meet coming up over this period. You will need to Registrar for the event by sending an email, information on this can be found at

Stay safe one and all. Happy Model Railroading.

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