I have recently abandoned a long standing BR(S) project and starting afresh with a a shortline in upstate NY simply because the location is reminiscent of Dorset and NYCRR models in HO are accessible.
To record the progress I have started a journal at https://antiochny.blogspot.com/ early days yet, only a few posts.
The following is fixed:-
The layout will be an inverted shallow L shape 16’ long on four 48”x30” four boards, the short end is a 60”x30” board and a small triangular board inside the corner for the inner curve.
This is up for grabs:-
Maybe best to start the trackplan with the ‘wye’ and then add the other essentials except there are just a few:-
Very small depot with road access, platform, run round loop
Feed mill
Merchandise warehouse/farm supplies
Milk dock (not sure if this is a ‘thing’ in ‘50, maybe the churns would be loaded at the depot)
Just the depot is planned to be located on the short end board, the other items are just around the corner on the long side. However this might change if the depot cannot fit on the short end board, stay flexible as nothing is set in stone!
Finally, the line, after leaving the terminal, would meander through rolling farmland, past a typical homestead, to the four-road FY at the end of the layout. It is all very typical of a quiet BLT, except all the details are upstate New York.
And these are two ideas for 'wyes' from the truly excellent Journal of Model Railroad Design from Rob Chant

Any comments are welcome