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Thunder and lightning

Posted: Mon Mar 07, 2016 10:31 pm
by Mike_R
I like this one ... ayout.aspx

I had an exhibition layout which played a thunderstorm every 40 minutes or so, along with traffic and aircraft sounds. But flashing lights would look great.
I did see a layout at Warley that released smoke to look like rain as thunder and lightning took place.

Re: Thunder and lightning

Posted: Thu Mar 10, 2016 10:47 pm
by deanobeano
Hi Mike,

Sounds reasonable and looks impressive but where's the downpour!!! - A dry storm perhaps?

I must admit that i wasn't overly impressed with the Rolling Thunder woofer demo on the net but i guess it may sound better in the flesh.

I had a Fantasonics disc set as a xmas prezzie and when played through the technics sound system it sounds just great - shame its just a bit big to lug around at shows and as for having the layout in the living room !!

At the moment i have the search and rescue chopper hovering some 500 yrds away and that is noisy.

Re: Thunder and lightning

Posted: Fri Mar 11, 2016 6:21 pm
by Mike_R
For my exhibition layouts I made up CDs, one with city sounds and the other out in the woods. I used free to download sounds, edited them in a sound program and burnt them to CDs. I then played the CD matching the layout on a CD player under the layout. The city one had a police chase, fire engines and a thunder storm.